Boorwin wallet . how to invest in bitreken.
to know all about the bitreken (B3K) click on this link:
1 - access to your wallet buy clicking on any area below
2 - change your default wallet currency
3 - Top up your wallet balance
4 - select payment type, for money balance, Make online payment, for crypto balance get deposite address.
once you click, you will get this popup
add the amount then click continue, you will be ask to select your payment method then once you pay, your wallet balance will be update with the amount you add.
5- Make a quick investment on bitroken (B3K).
- go to your wallet main page then click on menu
- On opening tag, click on token
- follow thes step to set your investment :
(1) represent - select the wallet you want to use to invest
Note: you Main account balance will be calculate in USD (United state dollars) So do not worry if you do not see your default wallet currency in the investment page, use your USD balance or select any else of others wallet you want to use for investment.
(2) repesent - select the duration of your investement
(3) represent - set the amount you want to invest
Click first on "Calculate" button to see your total income at the end investement time, if you are satisfy, you can click to
(4) - "Invest Now" button then your selected wallet will be debited and your investment will start .
once you invest, reload your page then you will be able to see your invesment progress like picture below